Air inlets German

Air inlets German

This is excellent quality, performance and price

They are in two variants:

- German I - small air inlet with internal dimensions of 545x260x115mm and air flow 1500 m3/h by 20 Pa

- German II - large air inlet with internal dimensions of 857x454x140mm and air flow 3000 m3/h by 20 Pa

Designed for livestock houses

Control air distribution

The air direction baffle controls the angle of air flow in the building and directs it towards the ceiling

The profiled, curved flap of inletguides air flow to the ceiling, where it is heated before it falls down, what prevent condensation and keep the litter dry

The sharp edge of the flap creates a large, strong airflow

Minimum ventilation

Minimum ventilation, through thegap created aftermoving the flap, without the air inlet opening

Possibility of differential opening of air inlets - some inlets can be open later, what is important by low temperatures

Adjustable spring/summer opening


The air inlet flap is filled with polystyrene for better insulation

Air Inlets insulated against condensation

The fixing of the flap with four springsguarantees tight closing of the inlets

Plastic netting protects against birds and rodents, reducing the risk of infection

Solid construction and easy installation

Completely made of plastic, easy to clean and with a long service life

Easy to install in any kind of wall

Wall mounting brackets, rope or rod guide bracket and opening pulleys - with each air inlet included

Adjustable opening of inlets from the right or left side

The flap reinforced with an aluminum profile for maximum strength of inlet

German II air inlet

Technical specifications:

Air flow: 3000 m3/h by 20 Pa

Power: 7.0kg

Stroke: 440mm

Weight: 6.75 kg

Product code: 4229-01

There is a possible to order air inlets without air direction baffle

Air inlets German I

Technical specifications:

Airflow: 1500 m3/h at 20 Pa

Power: 4.0kg

Stroke: 300mm

Weight: 3.38 kg

Product code: 4228-01

There is a possible to order air inlets without air direction baffle

